Red Life
Our dream game that will be created when time's right, a Soviet-style village life simulator set in the 1980s that will portray how life was back then. You can follow the story or write your own.
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Check out our ongoing development blog that demonstrates what we are currently working on, and what our plans are for our beautiful games in the future!
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My Summer Car Online
Black Sea Studios is a parent entity to MSCO which is an online modification for the game "My Summer Car". It is currently in a closed beta, follow our development below!
Check out MSCO

About Us

Black Sea Studios is an indie development studio that aims to bring new video games to the market! We are currently comprised of 1 employee, and even though this makes the job very difficult, giving up is not a path in the sight of our team!

Current Project

Food Delivery Simulator

We have been in business since September 2023

Our goal is to work for you and provide the best quality games we can

We are proudly operating from Tbilisi,Georgia

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